Conservation in South Africa

In South Africa, the Singita Lowveld Trust employs a dedicated team focused on protecting and conserving the biodiversity of the incredible land under its care.

The team’s primary task is ensuring that the land, complete with its diverse flora and fauna, remains as close as possible to the untouched state in which the Bailes family found it some 85 years ago.

The earliest aerial photographs, taken in 1935, are used by the team as a template to guide them in achieving this task. The success of their reserve management approach has resulted in thriving wildlife populations and a flourishing ecosystem.

This in itself creates another challenge, as the abundance of species, such as rhino, that carry a high price tag in the global illegal wildlife trade, attract international poaching syndicates to the area. The team’s second main focus area is therefore a dedicated anti-poaching unit tasked with ensuring the safety of these precious natural assets.

Conservation Partner

Singita Lowveld Trust

In South Africa, the Singita Lowveld Trust manages a wide range of conservation projects in Singita Sabi Sand and Singita Kruger National Park – from anti-poaching initiatives to wildlife research & land management, sustainability efforts and community developments projects such as early childhood development, digital learning and a world-class culinary school.

A highly skilled team of tracking dogs and handlers enhance anti-poaching efforts in the Sabi Sand Reserve, while the Trust’s partnership with the global conservation NGO Panthera has shown that the area is home to the largest density of leopards of any protected area surveyed in South Africa. The Panthera’s Furs for Life project – of which Singita is a partner – has reduced the demand for leopard skins with 50%, and Singita is also a strategic founding partner of the Lionscape Coalition, supporting the Lion Recovery Fund’s goal to double wild lion numbers by 2050.

Conservation Partner

One Planet

Singita’s sustainability partner – Bioregional – champions better and more sustainable ways to live, work and do business. Founded as a charity and social enterprise, the London-based consultancy reviews and advises us on our sustainability journey and has helped to ensure that Singita is recognised as a global leader.

Bioregional’s One Planet Living sustainability framework comprises ten guiding principles and its detailed goals were developed together with WWF. Backed by science and many years of hands-on experience, this highly flexible framework helps organisations around the world achieve their vision of a brighter, better future.

Singita Serengeti adopted the framework in 2012 and since 2016, all our properties have been committed to its principles. It serves as a basis for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, saving water, improving waste management and recycling, having a positive impact on local economies and conserving precious natural resources. These sustainability principles are critical to the fulfilment of Singita’s 100-year purpose, and drive us towards our goal of being a completely carbon-neutral operation.

Park ranger holding seedling


in South Africa

Conservation projects in South Africa


Our conservation focus areas


Singita’s commitment to restore, protect and enhance the biodiversity of close to 1 million acres of land across four African countries is driven by the conservation teams of our various local Trusts & Funds.
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“Singita’s ethos of ‘touching the earth lightly’ is no longer just a forward-thinking principle; it is imperative to our survival, and that of the land, wildlife and communities under our care.”

- Inge Kotze, General Manager Conservation